
Manage Page

The Manage tab allows you to see all of your NFDs (owned, for sale, and reserved), as well as renewal dates, offers, and sales.

Manage Tab

Transfer an NFD

Since NFDs are smart contracts, wallets like Pera and Defly don't yet support transferring them like ASAs. Users can use the transfer feature on

To transfer an NFD, navigate to an NFDs profile page and select transfer.

Profile Page

Enter the NFD or wallet address that you want to transfer to and select transfer.

If you toggle Give NFD as a Gift you will transfer 1.108 ALGO to the recipient to cover the cost of claiming.

Transfer Modal

Any assets in the NFDs vault will be transferred with the NFD! Make sure to check your vault contents prior to transferring!

Transferring an NFD clears all the NFDs metadata, including all verified fields!

Last updated