Charities Policy
If you represent and/or know of a charity (501(c)(3) or equivalent) that has an Algorand wallet set-up to accept donations, please send the following information to
Charity name & webpage
Algorand wallet address (or NFD) that is owned by the charity
Link to webpage that displays proof of their Algorand wallet address
Best contact information for you / them
If you're a charity and have done all the above steps, please setup your NFD and we'll be in touch soon.
Set the 'name' property to your charity name. This will be used in the badge of the tooltip on users' NFDs and on the donations leaderboard page.
Set the deposit account in the NFD the same as the account provided to NFDomains. They should match.
Add a custom 'ein' field (if US 501c(3) charity) or equivalent for your country [ie: regnumber] and enter the EIN. See for an example.
Set the avatar and banner images to recognizable images for your charity.
This data will will be used Donations Leaderboard page as well as badging on users NFDs when they have donated to this address.
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
Last updated