The NFD Protocol
What is NFDomains?
Non-fungible domains (NFDs) are unique, digital identities built on Algorand. Unlike traditional DNS domains which are used to identify and locate resources on the internet, NFDomains are used to identify and locate resources on the Algorand blockchain and elsewhere. Users can link any data they want to an NFD, with the ability to verify certain records like their Twitter, Discord, Bluesky, Telegram, email, and more.
➡️ DC7K77...EK3Qv
The NFD registry contract is the permissionless registrar for the .algo
TLD. The contract allows for trustless and decentralized minting of unique NFDs, with ownership secured and verified by the Algorand blockchain.
Users can register and manage their NFDs through the web interface.
Users can also interact directly with the contracts to mint and manage NFDS - see the Smart Contracts section.
One of the key utilities of an NFD is its ability to perform forward and reverse resolution.
Forward Resolution
Forward Resolution is the process of converting a name into an address, along with loading any associated records tied to that name. These metadata records may include a profile picture, Discord, Twitter, Telegram, GitHub, email, and more.
Algo Address: DC7K77...EK3Q
BTC Address: jk2h3...yu23
Twitter: @staciwarden
Discord: staci#2493
Integrating forward resolution into an application can be as simple as a few lines of code! For more details on how to implement forward resolution, see the Address Resolution documentation.
Reverse Resolution
Reverse Resolution is the process of converting an address into a human-readable name. This is a crucial feature of the NFD system, as it allows any address to be easily identified by its associated name. Rather than displaying long, confusing addresses, you can show the names of the users behind them.
Implementing reverse resolution in an application can also be achieved with just a few lines of code! To learn more about how to implement reverse resolution, check out the Address Resolution documentation.
Segments (subdomains) can be minted from any root domain, given the root domain owner allows it. Root owners have the ability to open minting and set a price for their segments. They can also lock their domains to prevent anyone from minting a segment from it.
Last updated